
Standard Weights for Jump Rope Earth 2.0

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EARTH 2.0 JUMP ROPE STANDARD WEIGHTS PACK - The heavy cable is not hard enough for you? No worries, that's not everything yet! If you want to level up the weight, we added another option that allows you to tailor the Earth 2.0 Jump Rope to your goals with handle weights.

4 WEIGHTS PACK FOR THE EARTH 2.0 JUMP ROPE - Includes 4 weights for the Earth 2.0 jump rope of 50 and 100 g.

BOREDOM IS PASED - Increase the added weight and bring your trainings from something soft to a real challenge. We warned you, your shoulder will be on fire.

IMPROVE YOUR TECHNIQUE - Put more weight to get more control of the rope and improve the technique of your double and triple-unders. Increase your muscle gains in your usual trainings using extra load.

  • jump rope weights
  • jump ropes
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